Marketplace / Book Exhibition
UniS, room A 017
Explore more information on research initiatives related to «Mountains and Plains», selected projects, networks and institutions. In addition, Verena Winiwarter will present her latest products at a wool-art stand. They will be sold to raise money for a travel grant fund dedicated to the World Congress of Environmental History 2024 in Oulu, Finland.

Knitting to fund scholarships
Have you considered helping young scholars obtain travel support to come to the 4th World Congress of Environmental History in Oulu, Finland 19-23 August 2024?
We have socks, beautiful Tunisian crochet beanies, hair scrunchies and several shawls available for those of you who are willing to donate to ICEHO to fund scholarships. 33 knitwear projects can already be reserved. In addition, personalised knitwear can be ordered.
Send your requests for pdf catalogue and socks to
Visit our display at the «Marketplace» at the UniS building, room A 017
Book Exhibition
UniS, room A 019
Visit some of the leading publishers in environmental history at our book exhibition and get in contact to discuss possible publication projects. Also the traditional silent book auction to raise travel grant funding for the next ESEH Confernce will take place here.